[empkins-members] EmpkinS preparation meeting
Datum: 20 März 2025Zeit: 08:30 – 14:00Ort: MaD Lab
Dear EmpkinS-PIs and young researchers,
As mentioned in the coordination meetings before Christmas, it is particularly important to respond tactically and carefully to critical questions during the on-site review in July.
To be optimally prepared, we will address this issue in a preparation meeting:
Date: March 20th, 2025.
Location: MaD Lab
Preliminary Agenda:
8:30-9:30: RDM short recap
9:30-11:30: Introduction + group sessions
11:30-12:00: Wrap up session
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-14:00: Lecture Series B02
We will work in three groups to summarize and discuss the most important achievements and challenges for the GAPs of FP1.
To make the meeting as effective and time-saving as possible, we ask each GAP to prepare in advance:
1. What were the most important (2-3) achievements of the GAP?
2. What were the biggest (2-3) challenges and how were they solved?
For each GAP, new champions have been designated, who should coordinate the preparations in advance (please find the list below).
In addition, the on-site working groups are coordinated by two moderators (that can be found below as well).
Each GAP should send their preparations in advance to the respective champions.
If a sub-project is represented in multiple groups, please ensure that at least one PI/young researcher is represented in each group.
Although the session primarily focuses on the GAPs of FP1, the presence of the PIs of new sub-projects and Joint Work Packages is essential to create a mutual, constructive consensus!
Group 1: GAP I, VI, VII Moderators: Betsch, Weise
involved SPs: A01, A04, A05, D03, D04, D05
Group 2: GAP II, IX, X Moderators: Ganslandt, Dabrock
involved SPs: A01, B04, C01, C02, C03, C04, D01
Group 3: GAP III, IV, V, VIII Moderators: Braun, Del Vecchio
involved SPs A02, A03, A05, B01, B02, C01, D01, D02
GAP Champions: Please coordinate the preparations in advance
I Kölpin
II Stamminger
III Schober
IV Koelewijn
V Berking
VI Carlowitz
VII Ostgathe
IX Miehling
X Leyendecker
Best regards
Martin Vossiek