
Discover the groundbreaking potential of radar-based sensing for biomedical monitoring in our latest tutorial! From overcoming limitations to enhancing diagnostic capabilities with machine learning, we're revolutionizing healthcare. Learn about radar and ML fundamentals, data acquisition, clinical r...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

From 29-30 April, our EmpkinS PIs met for a two-day retreat at the Diözesanhaus conference centre in Vierzehnheiligen near Bad Staffelstein to present the current status of their sub-projects as well as their plans for the next CRC funding period and joint work packages. The pleasant working atmosph...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

New publication online! The latest research article, “Machine learning-based detection of acute psychosocial stress from body posture and movements” by Robert Richer, Veronika Koch, Luca Abel, Felicitas Hauck, Miriam Kurz, Veronika Ringgold, Victoria Müller, Arne Küderle, Lena Schindler-Gmelch, Björ...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

From the 11th to the 15th of March, scientists from all across our CRC participated in the second EmpkinS IRTG Winter School in St.-Peter-Ording! Organized by a team of young researchers, the EmpkinS IRTG Winter School provided workshops on scientific writing by Dr. Anna-Maria Liphardt and Media ...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

You have to go to work but your child is not well enough to go to school or daycare? Not a problem for us – we have the KidsBox! The KidsBox is a mobile playroom for children that offers parents the option of working at their usual workplace while their children can play in the same room. This al...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News