
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Stamminger gave the talk “Capturing Human Motion with Depth Cameras – Possibilities and Limitations” in March as part of the EmpkinS Lecture Series. With the help of a Kinect he explained and demonstrated the behaviour of depth cameras.

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The first iRTG two-day retreat took place on 3rd and 4th of February, 2022 where the current status of the doctoral projects were presented by young researchers and Veronika König received the Best Presentation Award. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Egger presented as guest speaker “Shape the Future”.

Kategorie: Allgemein

The first status seminar of Empkins took place on 09.12.2021 followed by poster presentation of different sub-projects by the doctoral candidates.

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

In December Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kölpin, from the Hamburg University of Technology, talked about “Fundamentals of Touch-free Bio Marker Monitoring by Microwave Interferometry “ and showed its contributions to CRC EmpkinS.

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