Autor: Alejandra Ramírez Rozo

There are always fascinating topics for theses and we look forward to your participation. Please take a look at the web pages of the participating chairs in the CRC and contact the respective researchers. If you have further questions, please contact the Co-Spokesperson of the CRC, Prof. Dr. Björ...

Kategorie: Student Involvement

Since March, the Chair of Social Ethics at the University of Bonn (Subproject E), in cooperation with EmpkinS and TRA 3 “Life & Health” (University of Bonn) has been organizing the Lunch Series “Ethics, AI and Health”. The Lunch Series had a successful start in the summer semester, with between ...

Kategorie: Allgemein

in March 2023, Eva was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Media and Communication at the University of Oslo. Together with Dr. Jenny Krutzinna and Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Staksrud from the research group “Children, Youth and Media”, she investigated the question of what consequences and opportunitie...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

Our young researcher Dat Thanh Nguyen had the great opportunity to do an internship at Meta.  He worked on a project called "Dynamic Level of Detail". This project aimed to develop a system that could dynamically adapt the resolution of a mesh based on the camera's position. This innovation held sig...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

In October 2022, Ingrid Ullmann had the chance to spend one month as a guest researcher at the Microwave Sensing, Signals, and Systems (MS3) group of Delft University of Technology. The MS3 group, chaired by Prof. Alexander Yarovoy, is one of the world-leading research groups in the field of radar...

Kategorie: Allgemein

On the 20th of April 2023,  16 EmpkinS young researchers spent an afternoon on the "Via Ferrata Norissteig" fixed-rope route in Hirschbach. Led by the more experienced climbers, the young researchers helped each other to complete the adventurous team-building activity in small groups. Participants t...

Kategorie: Allgemein, LandingPageSlider, News

On the 19th and 26th of January 2023, the status update meeting took place in form of science slams. The doctoral candidates presented a series of short talks about their projects. Science slams are a form of science communication where scientists present their research in an entertaining and engagi...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News