Through different public and internal events the CRC EmpkinS wants to promote and encourage the networking and interdisciplinary communication between its members, support the young researchers on their scientific paths, and also give an insight into the ongoing research to every interested person.
The public events like the Ethic Talks and the EmpkinS Lecture Series are held by PIs. The Intention of these events is to stimulate interdisciplinary exchange while discussing ethical challenges that the EmpkinS members could face and to introduce a common technical language through talks and discussions about the basics of the different subprojects, respectively.
Two-day retreats, status seminars and a winter school are exemplary internal events where the young researchers present the current status of their research in front of the supervisors and their fellow researchers, allowing them to get feedback from CRC EmpkinS members. Workshops or presentations of external scientists are also a part of these events.
Upcoming Events
13:00 - 14:00
[Empkins] GAP III PhD biweekly meeting
10:00 - 11:00
[empkins-members] EmpkinS PI Lecture Series – C04
13:00 - 14:00
[Empkins] GAP III PhD biweekly meeting
08:30 - 14:00
EmpkinS preparation meeting
09:00 - 10:00
[Empkins] GAP III PI+PhD Jour Fixe
11:00 - 12:00
[empkins-members] Guest lecture -LTE – Biomechanics