
From 29-30 April, our EmpkinS PIs met for a two-day retreat at the Diözesanhaus conference centre in Vierzehnheiligen near Bad Staffelstein to present the current status of their sub-projects as well as their plans for the next CRC funding period and joint work packages. The pleasant working atmosph...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

New publication online! The latest research article, “Machine learning-based detection of acute psychosocial stress from body posture and movements” by Robert Richer, Veronika Koch, Luca Abel, Felicitas Hauck, Miriam Kurz, Veronika Ringgold, Victoria Müller, Arne Küderle, Lena Schindler-Gmelch, Björ...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

From the 11th to the 15th of March, scientists from all across our CRC participated in the second EmpkinS IRTG Winter School in St.-Peter-Ording! Organized by a team of young researchers, the EmpkinS IRTG Winter School provided workshops on scientific writing by Dr. Anna-Maria Liphardt and Media ...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News

You have to go to work but your child is not well enough to go to school or daycare? Not a problem for us – we have the KidsBox! The KidsBox is a mobile playroom for children that offers parents the option of working at their usual workplace while their children can play in the same room. This al...

Kategorie: Allgemein, News