The second Satus Seminar took place on 21st of July, 2022. It consisted of
poster presentations by every doctoral candidate. At the end they received feedback
on their presentations and the "Best Poster Award" was awarded.
This time Vanessa Wirth got the most votes and won the first place. The ru...
On the 7th of July Prof. Dr. Roberto Merletti did a two part guest sEMG lecture about „EMG Generals, physiological aspects“ and „Aspects for engineers like design of electrodes, signal conditioning etc.“
On June 23rd we had another EmpkinS Lecture, but this time with Dr.-Ing. Jörg Miehling, P.I. of subprojects C02 & C03.
In his lecture he spoke about "Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulation".
On May 19th we had another lecture from our #lectureseries. In this one Prof. Dr. Anne Koelewijn spoke about "Gait Simulations for Prediction and Reconstruction".
On May 12th Prof. Dina Katabi was our guest speaker on the topic of "Monitoring People and their Vital Signs Using Radio Signals and Machine Learning".
We are pleased that the board of the STAEDTLER Foundation decided at its spring
meeting to support our project "Empathokinesthetic Sensors (EmpkinS)".
The STAEDTLER Foundation supports projects that promise a special social added
value and public visibility with the project "Founding Inn...
“EmpkinS” is a Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). We are in the first funding period (duration: July 2021 – June 2022).
The full title of EmpkinS is:
„Empatho-Kinaesthetic Sensor Technology – Sensor Techniques and Data Analysis Methods for Empa...
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Stamminger gave the talk “Capturing Human Motion with Depth Cameras – Possibilities and Limitations” in March as part of the EmpkinS Lecture Series. With the help of a Kinect he explained and demonstrated the behaviour of depth cameras.