New Publication Announcement: Bridging the Sim2Real Gap

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We are thrilled to announce that Iris Wechsler, a doctoral candidate at EmpkinS, has published a groundbreaking paper titled „Bridging the sim2real gap. Investigating deviations between experimental motion measurements and musculoskeletal simulation results“ in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.

About the Publication

Musculoskeletal simulations are powerful tools for estimating biomechanical variables from experimental motion data. However, discrepancies—the sim2real gap—arise due to measurement errors, model assumptions, or computational methods. It is crucial to address this gap to ensure accurate and reliable simulation results essential for (patho-)physiological research.

In this systematic review, Iris Wechsler and her co-authors identified, classified and analyzed existing methods to bridge the sim2real gap. Their work provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and solutions in this field, contributing significantly to advancing musculoskeletal simulations.


This publication is the result of collaborative efforts:

  • Dr. Alexander Wolf
  • Julian Shanbhag
  • Sigrid Leyendecker
  • Bjoern Eskofier
  • Anne Koelewijn
  • Sandro Wartzack
  • Dr. Jörg Miehling

Check out the paper Here