Exciting Times at the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland!

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Our EmpkinS team had a fantastic experience at the ESB conference from June 30 to July 3, 2024. Here’s a glimpse of our journey:

Group Picture:

EmpkinS Principal Investigators Dr. Anna-Maria Liphardt and Dr. Jörg Miehling alongside our brilliant PhD students Iris Wechsler, Birte Coppers, Simon Heinrich, Julian Shanbhag, and David Scherb.

We are proud of our team’s contributions and the engaging discussions we had with peers from around the globe. The ESB conference provided an excellent platform to share our latest research, gain insights from leading experts, and foster collaborations in the field of biomechanics.

Stay tuned for more updates and achievements from our EmpkinS team!