Participants wanted for sleep study

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Study info:
Have you ever been interested in a scientific study of your sleeping patterns? Here you get the chance to get some insights!
For the EmpkinS “Sleep Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease“ Project, we are searching for participants in the control group. The study will take place in the sleep lab in our office building in Carl Thiersch str. 2b.
During the study, participants will be measured using Polysomnography (PSG) which contains the measurement of EEG, EMG, ECG, Respiration, and blood saturation. In addition, vital signs, including heart rate and respiration, will be recorded using contactless radar sensing. Furthermore, the study will also involve video recording using night sight cameras for assistance in sleep phase labeling.
This study aims to investigate whether sleep analysis in a sleep laboratory, which has lots of disadvantages, can be substituted by contactless radar measurement which would enable longitudinal studies in a more realistic environment. Later, when Parkinson’s patients are included in the study we want to assess if it is feasible to diagnose and monitor the sleep symptoms of Parkinson’s patients using these unobtrusive methods.
If you are willing to participate, please fill out the following poll and select the days when you would be free – we will then contact you and fix the date! (select the evening before the respective night): (NEW LINK)
If you know somebody interested in participating in a sleep study, feel free to forward the information.