Best Poster Award for contribution to the Physionet Challenge 2022

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Congratulations to the two PhD students Hui Lu and Julia Yip for the Best Poster Award of the Physionet Challenge 2022

Our PhD students Hui Lu from the Institute of High-Frequency Technology at TUHH and Julia Yip from the Department of Palliative Care at the Anesthesiology Clinic of the University Hospital Erlangen won the Best Poster Award of the Physionet Challenge 2022 ( ). The two researchers are working together on the analysis of medical signals using machine learning as part of the DFG-funded SFB 1483 „EmpkinS – Sensor Techniques and Data Analysis Methods for Empatho-kinesthetic Modeling and Condition Monitoring.“

For this year’s Physionet Challenge on „Heart Murmur Detection from Phonocardiogram Recordings“, pathological heart murmurs had to be detected automatically from acoustic measurement data. The algorithms created by Hui and Julia provide the basis for automatically detecting heart disease from stethoscope recordings.

There were 89 teams competing for the Best Poster Award, all of whom presented their approaches to the jury. Congratulations to our PhD students for winning, the award is a great achievement!